Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Express

There will never be another be another Ernie Davis...

I had never heard of Ernie Davis, probably because I go to my wife for information on football. I was never a big football fan. However, I must admit that football movies are probably my favorite sports movies. I love Rudy, The Waterboy, Necessary Roughness and many others.

The Express was a story about Ernie Davis a guy who went to play football for Syracuse University in the Late 50's and early 60's. He struggle with racial prejudice as he excels on the football field. There are many great football moments and a little needed history lesson to remind our generation how things were 50 years ago.

Ernie Davis is played by Rob Brown. His coach at Syracuse is played by the great Dennis Quaid. Rob does a pretty good job at his part, but you can tell he is not nearly as seasoned as the others around him. I really enjoyed the performance of his friend, Jack Buckley played by Omar Benson Miller. You may recognize Omar from films like Shall We Dance, or the dancing cousin from Transformers.

Ernie is convinced by the the legendary Jim Brown to go to Syracuse University to play Football. There he expects to be more welcomed as a black male, but is still shunned by the student body. The film covers his journey through his college career and all the struggles he face on, but mostly off the field. This is a heart warming feel, good movie, for the most part. It has the frustrating parts that involve race issues of the day. This was a good movie for the most part, but was no Remember the Titans.

6.32 out of 10

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