Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Neighbor Totoro

"Totoro? Your name is Totoro?"

I have seen My Neighbor Totoro many, many times. It is one of my boys favorites. The first time I heard about it was from my fies cousin Nate who was going to school for film. He asked if I had ever seen any film by Hayao Miyazaki? I said I hadn't and he told me that I needed to check out My Neighbor Totoro. So we did and we loved it. We then started to see other films by him like Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, Nausicca and Castle in the sky, but Totoro always was number one for us.

Last week my wife found an insert in the paper from AFI (American Film Institute) and it was saying that for the next month or two they would be showing many of Miyazaki's films. So when we saw that they were showing My Neighbor Totoro on the big screen we were jumping at the chance.

So we sat in the theater with about 50 others(less than expected)it was great to see this classic on the big screen. After the film they had a lady talking about Miyazaki and the history of Totoro. It was great.

My Neighbor Totoro is about two girls named Mei(may) and Satsuki whoo move to the country with their father. Their mother is in the hospital and they move to the country to be closer to her. The first day they discover soot gremlins in their house and find that there is a magic to their new home. Soon after Satsuki goes back to school and Mei goes to explore the Forest. She discover a little totoro and follows it into the woods where she happens upon a very large Totoro. Totoro shows up at special times and helps when they need it.

I don't want to tell much more, but would rather you experience the magic of these films on your own. Miyazakis film are different in that there are many odd things going on and many odd characters. The best way to explain this is to think of his films as a dream. When you have weird dreams funny things happen in them, but they make sense in your dream. When you wake then you wonder "where did that come from?" But, it made sense at the time. His movies are the same way. They are magical and imaginative.

It is a great film and has opened the door to many other great films for me and my kids.

9.5 out of 10