Saturday, May 22, 2010

Man on Wire

"If I die, what a beautiful death."

I had been trying for months to watch Man on Wire. It had been recommended to me many times and I had it in my Instant Queue for a long time. I decided today was the day. So, instead of helping my wife get ready for a birthday party I sat down and watch this great documentary.

The film is about a Frenchman named Phillipe Petit. He was famous for his walking in wires, juggling and unicycles. But he was infamous for the same things. The film has some of the best shots of Paris I have ever seen. There was one particular 180 degree shot over the roofs of Paris that I must have replayed at least ten times. There is an amazing video of him breaking in and walking between the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral.

The films highlight is when Phillipe learns about the new World Trade Center buildings in New York. He decides that they are too perfect and since they are only 200 yards away from each other he figures it would be perfect for him to cross. After months of training for conditions and planing how to set up a wire without getting caught he decides it's time to go. There were no video cameras there that day only photographs to document him. The photos are amazing.

This film tells us about achieving our goals and more importantly the pursuing of them. Minus one scene at the end that really could have been left out, if it were not to prove the point of the weakness the combination of man and fame, it was a great documentary. The video and photos were amazing and the story of Phillipe's dedication was just as breath taking.

8.56 out of 10

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