Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rise of the Guardians

"We go by many names, and take many forms. We bring wonder and hope, we bring joy and dreams. We are the Sandman and the Tooth Fairy, we are the Easter Bunny, and Santa. And our powers are greater than you ever imagine..."

It is becoming a bit of a tradition now for me to take our boys to go see a movie on Thanksgiving Day. It is the kickoff to the holiday movie releases. We planned a few months ago to go see Rise of the Guardians. We saw the 3D version and were impressed with the Snow and the Sand as it blew in our faces. With a theater full of 9 people, we had pretty goos seats.

Rise of the Guardians is the story of Jack Frost and his rise to become one of the Guardians. He is good at what he does, freazzing thinks, making snow and making snowdays for the kis to get out of school,but does not know why he is was chosen to do it. All he knows is that the Man in the Moon selected him to be Jack Frost and that is it. The Guardians are made up of the big four, Santa(North), the Toothfairy(Tooth), The Sandman(Sandy), and the Easter Bunny(Bunny) and their job is is to take care of their holidays and to keep the children believing in them.

The Boogeyman, aka Pitch Black, makes an appearence and begins to bring doubt into the childrens mind and put an end to the guardians powers. Pitch is voiced by Jude Law. He is great as the voice. All the voice actors are good in this film. Jack is voiced by Chris Pine. The Man in the Moon selects Jack to be the Next gurardian. He is the one who can stop Pitch from destroying it all, only problem is that he does not know how.

The bulk of the movie is Jack learning about who he is and his purpose among these legends. I am not a big fan of seeing movies in 3D. I find it annoying to have to wear two pairs of glasses at once and think it makes the movie much darker than it nees to be, but this movie was beautiful with the golds and bright holiday colors it looked great. I will always be willing to see a 3d movie with snow, rain or flying. This was Seth's first film that he kept the glasses on the whole time. I know they enjoyed as they talked to the screen and comments, cheered and clapped for the heros. Last year we saw Arthur Christmas and this was just as good as that was. two great thanksgiving in a row. A Clear winner.

Solid 9 out of 10

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