Thursday, February 10, 2011

True Grit

"You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free except the grace of God."

There is a reason this film was up for so many awards. It is fantastic for starters.
I had never seen the original True Grit starring John Wayne, but after some coaxing from a friend , and the release of this I felt it was time. The original was good. I don't think I have really ever sat through a full Wayne film. It took a while to watch this one, what with two loud boys and all. I must admit I was kind of annoyed with the original Mattie character, but the new Mattie, played by Hailee Steinfeld, was just the right balance. I thought that Matt Damon, and Josh Brolin did great in their roles. Josh brolin was great as Tom Cheney. His voice was great. I was excited to see the part of Lucky Ned Pepper played by Barry Pepper. He was also Jackson the Sharp-shooter from Saving Private Ryan.

Some people say that the original scenery was better, but I like the plain scenery of the new one. I laughed a lot in this film. The dialogue was witty. I was not surprised at the violent scenes in the new film it is a Coen Bros. film after all.
The Coen brothers said they followed the book more than the original movie, but I felt they were both very close to each other. I never thought that Jeff Bridges was playing the role of John Wayne. Jeff Bridges was playing Jeff Bridges. He is one of those actors that can play himself and the role will fit to him. I can't wait to see this film again.

9 out of 10